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What is Friends of Minnesota Crew?


Friends of Minnesota Men’s Crew Club, Inc. (commonly referred to as “Friends of Minnesota Crew” or simply “Friends”) was formed in September of 2013 for the purpose of providing financial and logistical support to the University of Minnesota Men’s Rowing Team. In July of 2014, the Friends of Minnesota Crew was granted 501(c)(3) tax exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service, thus making contributions to the Friends of Minnesota Crew tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Board of Directors

Our board of directors consists entirely of volunteers: Crew alumni, parents of current/former members, and supporters.

What does Friends do?


We appeal directly to our community of alumni, family, and supporters for financial contributions. Your contribution helps finance equipment purchases such as boats, ergometers, tools, and hardware. Your contribution may also help feed athletes at regattas and other expenses. See Donate for more information on donations.

Build Community

We believe rowing goes beyond a shell on the water. We engage a network of alumni and supporters through newsletters, events, and a presence at regattas. See Events for more information on our presence in the community.

Coordinate Volunteerism

Volunteerism is key to supporting Crew. Our volunteers serve meals at regattas, offer assistance to supporters, and more. See Volunteer for more information on volunteerism.

Why is Friends’ work important?

As a club sport, charitable contributions are a key factor in preserving and expanding Men’s Crew. Community support has enabled Crew to expand from a handful of members in 1957 to a current standing of 50+ participants with multiple coaches. Because the University’s allocation typically does not equal the total budget of Crew, athletes are required to pay increasing dues out-of-pocket to participate. Friends helps keep costs low for students while maintaining a fleet of racing shells and accessory equipment capable of housing such a large team.

501(c)3 Status

Federal tax law provides tax benefits to nonprofit organizations recognized as exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3). The IRC requires that tax-exempt organizations must comply with federal tax law to maintain tax-exempt status and avoid penalties.

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